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Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 1:36 am
by roywax
Sometime when I download large files not all RAR files are downloaded correctly.
Why is this happening?
Can I download those parts specifically again?

Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:53 am
by DThor
It's not clear what you mean by 'correctly'. You can always re download anything, but depending on what you mean, you might just be repeating the process pointlessly. If a post was posted incorrectly or there's been a dmca takedown, it's not going to help. If it's a brand new post in the process of being uploaded, then it will help. As a rule of thumb, though, unless either you or the usenet server is having technical difficulties, there's not much point to a re download. It's the exception.

Look for messages in the logging tab, or red markers in the download queue. If it's indicated as 'post is not on server', that probably means you're out of luck.

If you're using autopar (the default), then newsbin will keep trying until you delete it from the queue. If you re-add it later, it will pick up from whatever chunks you've already downloaded.


Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:26 am
by roywax
Well, for example, I have a big download, like 20gb.
The client shows me there are 100 500mb files on the server and starts downloading.
The files don't reach their full size as stated by the software.
I am not getting any info from the client that the files are not being downloaded fully.
There is no end to the process.
So what can the problem be?
If the client knows the files on the server are not 500mb why doesn't it say files are corrupted?

Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 10:05 am
by DThor
As I've already mentioned, check the download queue for red 'chunks' - this means that chunk just isn't there. Also the logging tab will tell you 'post not on server'. It's just a theory, but that's probably what's going on. You might want to Google 'dmca takedown', if that's what's going on, this is what happens. The usenet server does indeed have headers for chunks, but they've been forced to delete the *contents* of the chunks after the facts. Some usenet providers have more or less of this sort of thing happening, also it depends mightily on what you're downloading.

You happen to be referring to a fairly large post, with particularly large individual file sizes. It's always possible this is related, but without reading the logging tab, you'll never figure it out.


Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:41 am
by WsB
If, as stated in other posts, the chunks are missing, you're out of luck.

Sometimes, leaving it in for a little time will allow it to repair. If there is too much missing info it will fail and the only option is to find another post, or contact the postee asking them to re-upload.

Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:49 pm
by itimpi
roywax wrote:I am not getting any info from the client that the files are not being downloaded fully.

It is not clear what you mean by this? There will be no prompt appearing to tell you that the download has failed, but there should be messages in the Logging tab saying what is happening if Newsbin is failing to get parts of a post.

Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 11:01 am
by roywax

I has been some time since my last post regarding this.
I am using 6.62 Build 4358

Still same issue.
Files are not being downloaded.
"Stuck" in download list.

Example in logging:
[00:04:17] ERROR NW_DirectDownloadChunkWorker:Server Reports that parts of the file are missing Giganews ARTICLE <hVX5PcoksOxFaF0lnCV81_15o41@JBinUp.local>
|430 no such article (15/41) - [Lords-of-Usenet] <<Partner of>> presents ..." - 1,41 GB - yEnc
[00:04:17] ERROR NW_DirectDownloadChunkWorker:Server Reports that parts of the file are missing Giganews ARTICLE <6b4Q1Tq6das50JC8yl5p_15o41@JBinUp.local>
|430 no such article (15/41) - [Lords-of-Usenet] <<Partner of>> presents ... - 1,41 GB - yEnc
[00:04:18] ERROR NW_DirectDownloadChunkWorker:Server Reports that parts of the file are missing Giganews ARTICLE <ZlawxQVtMVHdplSQXuHr_15o41@JBinUp.local>
|430 no such article (15/41) - [Lords-of-Usenet] <<Partner of>> presents ..." - 1,41 GB - yEnc

Mind u, this is from 12 hours ago...
Client is doing nothing.
0 Kbps

List is not changing, failed files not being removed.

How can this be correct behavior?



Re: Some files (rar parts) not download correctly

PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2016 1:30 pm
by Quade
[00:04:17] ERROR NW_DirectDownloadChunkWorker:Server Reports that parts of the file are missing Giganews ARTICLE <hVX5PcoksOxFaF0lnCV81_15o41@JBinUp.local>
|430 no such article (15/41) - [Lords-of-Usenet] <<Partner of>> presents ..." - 1,41 GB - yEnc

This is Giganews MO. They're the most aggressive about removing files. Anytime you see a 430 error, that's the news server saying "I don't have parts of that file".

If this is a big problem, you might need to switch servers. AW while they have issues aren't as aggressive. I still use Giga because I seldom download anything that might get removed but if I was mostly downloading heavily removed files, I'd pick a different server.

If you're in the EU, I hear Eweka is pretty good.