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How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per file

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:48 am
by Unknown Ninja

I just formatted my computer and reinstalled windows 7 so i have a clean install but now there is a new version of Newsbin. In the previous version (can't remember which) there was an option to create a separate folder for every download so all files would be unrarred in a separate folder so they don't mix up. In the new version (6.42) there is no folder mode or any other option that i can find that makes Newsbin do this. Can someone please help me how to get Newsbin to do this?

An example:

File A.rar
File B.rar
File C.rar

When it unrars i get all the files in one folder.

I want to program Newsbin to make separate folders for every download so it makes folders like this:

File A
File B
File C

With all the individual files in there own separate folder.

Thanks in advance and sorry for my bad English. It is not my native language.

Best Regards,

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:10 pm
by Quade
$(SUBJECT) maybe in the path?

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 3:43 pm
by dexter
It's documented in the help pages.

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:06 pm
by Unknown Ninja
Thanks for the tips.

I got it to work in the main download folder but in a previous version when i downloaded a file through download to existing folder it would always make a folder named after the subject of the download. Now i can only get this to work if i download to the main folder. I have a separate folder for all sorts of download so one main download folder would mean that i have to order them every time and i did not have to do this in a previous version of Newsbin.

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:36 pm
by Quade
In the advanced options, you probably need to pick the "Old Picker" to get that back. The new picker simply doesn't support a user editable path name.

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:32 am
by Unknown Ninja
Tried that but still got the same result.

Is there maybe something else i can try?

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 2:49 am
by Quade
Any of these methods work.

- I did "Download to new folder" with the old picker and it used the subject in the path. I edited it a little to make it shorter.

- I did "Download to existing folder" with the old picker and I had to type a path section in (which is how it works).

- I did "Download to folder named for subject". No picker came up but, it added the subject to the path.

- I added "$(SUBJECT)" to the path (in the options) and simply adding the file to the download list the normal way and it added the subject to the path.

It's not really clear what "same result" means.

Sound to me like you're using the wrong one. "Download to existing folder" by default used an "existing folder" instead of making a new one.

Re: How to program Newsbin to make a separate folder per fil

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 9:26 am
by Unknown Ninja

With same result i meant that it did not work for me.

I followed your instuctions and got it to work. When i use "Download to new folder" i got a separate folder for the file i was downloading.

Problem solved! Thank you very much for your time and patience, you're awesome.