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Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:48 pm
by ChesterCat
Long time [15+ years] user of usenet and Newsbin.

Issue i'm having is with 6.42 build 2146 [both 32&64bit]

Once I begin a dowmload, I notice all kinds of those red lines appearing
on just about each and every part as the download progress's.
[which i'm assuming is missing parts]

The download will complete, the repair [pars] will go thru its cycle.
Then I get unrar failed. I get nothing

Now, if I use my tried and trusted 4.32, the download comes down without
a hitch and unrars perfectly. Typically, not even needing repair pars.

I've attempted uninstalling and re'ing with no success.

Ideas ?


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I entered my Key....where's this "only" place ?

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 4:09 pm
by itimpi
What is it saying in the logging tab when this happens? The messages displayed there may give a clue as to the cause.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:05 pm
by ChesterCat

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:43 pm
by ChillyCat
I thought I had another account.......

The output folder locations working just fine....until this happens
Spools located in default location

Now.....this VERY movie downloaded "perfectly" using old school Newsbin

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:16 pm
by itimpi
That error message suggests that something is interfering with Newsbin's disk access? Have you set up your AV software to exempt Newsbin from checking? Remember that many AV software packages will treat a new version of Newsbin as a new program so any exceptions need setting up again.

Also, differences in the way they use disks could mean that the AV software gets triggered by the new version when it did not in the older Newsbin.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:40 pm
by Quade
1 - Your email suggests you're overclocking the crap out of this machine. I might dial it back to stock and see what happens.

2 - In the performance options, I try checking "write downloaded files with no memory buffering". Then restart Newsbin and try some downloads.

I've never seen writes work some of the time like this. It's a very strange problem. V scanner would be on the top of my list too.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:43 pm
by jleblanc
I have the same problem with 6.41, I tried removing it and going to 5.59 and still having the same problem. I have a version of 4.37 that always worked, heading back to 4.37.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:04 pm
by Quade
If you look in the logging tab and see 430 errors. It means the server doesn't have parts of the file any more. Someone claimed that one of the 4 series could still download these "430" posts. Dex installed and ran the old ones and they had the same problem. So, I'm skeptical and old version is going to solve your problem. It won't for sure if there are 430 errors.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 6:55 pm
by Quasi
Are you sure the missing items are just related to the DMCA? I started to notice those issues a while back but they are becoming more and more prevalent as the DMCA take downs gather momentum. The days of "our servers have 1100 days retention" are it's more along the lines of can I find it quicker than they can take it down.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:50 pm
by duckegg
Bet it is the electronic self service DMCA take down where studios can remove it themselves. I was with Astra and had missing parts, so I moved to newshosting to find now the whole file was missing instead. Tried one Dutch provider as a fill server and that gave no joy either.

I have to say I am fairly quick on the ball, usually well within 12 hours of release and rarely within 24 hours.

There are groups out there whom you can join and they annoyingly p/w their files to stop it being recognised, but subscription costs $.

Also one of the popular public nzb index sites had difficulty with at least one of the parts. Tried all the varieties and dates of the d/l but non worked. Switched to the other public NZB index site and that worked.

Re: Missing parts with every download

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:48 pm
by Quade
Newsbin search is going a pretty good job of IDing and displaying the real filenames for a bunch of these obscure posts too these days. Just say'in...