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$(GROUP) variable suddenly resolves to "SearchTab"?!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 9:55 am
by Shine
So I upgraded to 6.41 and suddenly all my downloads end up unsorted in


instead of:


How can I get the old behavior back, ie. that the $(GROUP) variable resolves to the actual group name the posts come from, instead of the Newsbin GUI tab where the download was started from?


Re: $(GROUP) variable suddenly resolves to "SearchTab"?!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:54 pm
by Quade
That's a good question. You could try "LONGGROUP" instead of "GROUP" and see if that works.

If not, I'll have to look into it.

Re: $(GROUP) variable suddenly resolves to "SearchTab"?!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 1:55 pm
by Shine
Same behavior, regardless whether using $(GROUP) or $(LONGGROUP).

It appears that $(GROUP) and $(LONGGROUP) always resolve to the GUI tab name now, not to the actual newsgroup of a post anymore :-(

E.g. if I download a file from the search tab, it gets downloaded to:

If I download a file from a tab that contains multiple grouped groups, it gets downloaded to:
X:\path\whichever_description_i_have_assigned (e.g. X:\path\Gay_Animal_Porn)

Only if I directly open a newsgroup, ie. the GUI tab is actually labelled "", NB works as it should:
X:\path\ (when using GROUP)
or X:\path\ (when using LONGGROUP)

Could you please bring back the behavior of previous versions to use the actual news group name for $(GROUP) and $(LONGGROUP)? If you absolutely must use grouped groups' names and tab names, would you please introduce a new variable for that? Such a major change of existing variable behavior really messes up everyone's download ordering - the change from $(GROUP) to $(LONGGROUP) already did mess up enough, but was at least manually fixable by renaming one's existing download folders or using LONGGROUP instead...


Re: $(GROUP) variable suddenly resolves to "SearchTab"?!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:02 pm
by Quade
"Search" doesn't actually have a "group". Unlike a post listing.

I'll check it out.