Hi all,
i have been using this for a few years now but never really got into how it works etc etc..
anyway up untill a few weeks ago all had been fine but im having a few issues now.
i use www.newbin2.es for my downloads then they go into newsbin pro v6.33 and i am using the server news-europe.giganews.com
i have about a 30mb connection and always it downloads at max speed..
however recently i open newsbin pro and it starts off and i can see the speed rapidly increasing to 32mb then it drops off and starts downloading between 1-4mb
my ISP doesnt restrict the download speed etc..
after a few mins it may kick back up and goto 32mb and hold other times i have to restart or pause /resume downloads ( i think its more luck than anything that the speed increase again)
on my account i have access to 50 connection so im really unsure why the speed is dropping
could someone help me .. maybe some incorrect options ticket etc??