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minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:31 am
by ross1999
Is it me or does the search pane not function like other panes for auto hide and hide. I'd like it to work like other panes. With v5 I was just moving it aside while using it. Now I notice the window has no close button, so I have no way to get rid of it. In V5 hide worked (or close) but you could not minimize it. What am I doing wrong or don't these functions work with this pane?

I'm seeing the changes list on softpedia for newsbin 6.2 has this remark: "Made the search window much harder to close or hide now. Can still move it around though"

Is this intentional? What's the story on this?


Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:01 am
by itimpi
No - you cannot close the Search Window :(

With the new dockable Windows, Quaded needed a Window that he could pin Post lists to in terms of where they should display. He chose the Search Window for this purpose. At one time it was possible to close the Search Window and this resulted in Post lists not opening as expected so that was why the Close button was removed.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:37 am
by gimpymoo
A shame.

I never use the search and do not want it.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 3:53 pm
by dougm1
Can the domination of the "Search Window" issue be revisited? Perhaps Quade can answer this one.The Download List seems like a better candidate to me.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:08 am
by itimpi
dougm1 wrote:Can the domination of the "Search Window" issue be revisited? Perhaps Quade can answer this one.The Download List seems like a better candidate to me.

That would be a terrible idea as far as I am concerned. I NEVER want Post Lists to appear in the same screen area as the Download list.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:14 am
by BZee
Is there room for another tab (a blank one) that could then be used as the anchor tab?

Personally, I just ignore the search tab the same way as I ignore ads on various web sites I visit.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:26 am
by itimpi
BZee wrote:Is there room for another tab (a blank one) that could then be used as the anchor tab?

Personally, I just ignore the search tab the same way as I ignore ads on various web sites I visit.

I would have thought that having a blank tab that did nothing except act as an anchor would be even more confusing (and annoying :) ) than a Search tab that you cannot close.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:14 am
by DThor
We are talking about a single tab heading here, which takes up no serious amount of space. I totally get that it would be *nice* to have an option to hide it, but I don't lose any sleep over it. At some point perhaps a solution can be found for it, but I really think hacking things to use some other pane or an arbitrary one will just cause confusion.


Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:24 am
by dougm1
itimpi wrote:
dougm1 wrote:Can the domination of the "Search Window" issue be revisited? Perhaps Quade can answer this one.The Download List seems like a better candidate to me.

That would be a terrible idea as far as I am concerned. I NEVER want Post Lists to appear in the same screen area as the Download list.

Just wee bit defensive, perhaps? Okay. I am not a Power User and I am sure you have a better solution. What is it?

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 1:14 pm
by Quade
Ignore it? Use it?

In the latest beta, if you pick a topic or type in a group, it'll show you the newest posts for that group or topic if you enter nothing in the search string. I use it sometimes to see the latest stuff in groups I monitor.

This is sort of "beating a dead horse" kind of topic. The placement is what it is until I think of something better.

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:38 pm
by coyote2
Quade wrote:Ignore it? Use it?

In the latest beta, if you pick a topic or type in a group, it'll show you the newest posts for that group or topic if you enter nothing in the search string. I use it sometimes to see the latest stuff in groups I monitor.

This is sort of "beating a dead horse" kind of topic. The placement is what it is until I think of something better.

Interesting; I only learned about this because Revo uninstalled then reinstalled 6.41RC. The 6.41RC on my other machine had no Search pane I guess because I updated from a version that was allowed on.

But in trying to get rid of it on the fresh install, now I've got it on the other machine (since I enabled it to try to learn how to disable it). On the "other" machine I can dock the Search pane off the Newsbin window entirely, which is nice. Nothing I try gets rid of it on the fresh install, I just pull up the top of the Downloading Files pane to cover most of it.

Just posted to note my experience, I'm perfectly happy as is!

Re: minimizing or closing search window

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:07 pm
by coyote2
coyote2 wrote:
Quade wrote:Ignore it? Use it?

In the latest beta, if you pick a topic or type in a group, it'll show you the newest posts for that group or topic if you enter nothing in the search string. I use it sometimes to see the latest stuff in groups I monitor.

This is sort of "beating a dead horse" kind of topic. The placement is what it is until I think of something better.

Interesting; I only learned about this because Revo uninstalled then reinstalled 6.41RC. The 6.41RC on my other machine had no Search pane I guess because I updated from a version that was allowed on.

But in trying to get rid of it on the fresh install, now I've got it on the other machine (since I enabled it to try to learn how to disable it). On the "other" machine I can dock the Search pane off the Newsbin window entirely, which is nice. Nothing I try gets rid of it on the fresh install, I just pull up the top of the Downloading Files pane to cover most of it.

Just posted to note my experience, I'm perfectly happy as is!

Now years later with another re-install I'm finding all of this still true. I'm amused that I forgot I'd tried it all before and googling led me to find my own comment.

Hmm. I also don't seem to be able to shrink columns to zero width (I only can get the ones I don't want to see as narrow as will fit "S...") in the "Downloading Files" tab (which incidentally is named the "Download list" tab on my far older and more compliant installation; I'm resisting all temptation to choose the Search tab [which I never use] for testing, for fear I'd never be able to be free of the tab row like on my newer installations).