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Autosort still not good

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:41 pm
by penoge
There is annother problem with nb pro: autosort mp3 files only works fine when they are taged. If not, you got an mountain of files, sorted by tracknumbers which you have to sort manually. This is a work for hours or even for days. I had mentioned some years ago, to build folders for every headline of downloading files and to download the files to these folders. To rename a folder is a much less work!
P.S. This same problem is the case with lossless files, which mostly are without tags.

EDit: I will describe it more technically to make clear how it should work. Every headline of a posting in the newsnet consists on two parts: the headline of the posting, which the uploader gives manually for every number of different files and the filnames of this files. For the downloader the headlines also consists on two parts, one wich is equal for every file (the headline, the uploader gave this posting together with groupname and name of the album if this was part of the filenames) and one part wich is different (the tracknumbers and the titles of the tracks). So what nb has to do is to check two headlines (not more to save CPU power) of every download, a user selected and to build a folder, name it after the equal part of the headline and to put all downloaded files of this headline in this folder.

Re: Autosort still not good

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:24 am
by DThor
I'm not really following precisely what you mean(do you mean subject instead of headline?), but it sounds like it could be even more of a mess since there are rarely hard and fast rules with subjects. Doesn't it make more sense instead to not try and sort files if they're missing certain tags?


Re: Autosort still not good

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:15 am
by penoge
Thanks for your rely
Yes you're right, I meant subjects and you're also right that there are no hard rules for subjects but that doesn't matter. The thing is that the subject EVER shows however the artist and the title of the album. Therefor if you use the eaqual part of the subject it doesn't matter how it shows this information because it will ever be included and all the files of a single subject are in one folder. If you download while on work it will be much less action to rename folders then to search which file belongs to which artist and to which album then manually build and name the folders and sort the files to them. This needs in some cases days!