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New annoying issue - moving items to top of download list

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 11:22 pm
by MichaelW_
This isn't consistent, but it does happen enough to be annoying. Sometimes when you have a few items in the download list, and you move it to the top of the list with the "move to top" command, it just sits there and doesn't do anything. It continues with the next item(s) in the list, but ignores the top item. One time out of ten, if I click on it, then click retry download it then starts but most of the time it does nothing. Most of the time, if I click retry, then click pause and then click resume, it will start. Sometimes it just refuses to start but if I delete it from the download list, go back to the headers and ctrl-y it again it will start. Sometimes when this happens, it shows 0MB downloaded, sometimes it shows 3MB (it's weird that those are always the 2 numbers). Any ideas Quade?

Re: New annoying issue - moving items to top of download lis

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 9:07 am
by Quade
I'd select it and try moving to the top again. Sounds like the GUI changed but, internally the move was never made. It never happens here so, it's been difficult to trouble-shoot.