by DThor » Sun Feb 26, 2012 7:34 am
Unless I'm misreading that, it looks like newsbin is retrying the missing chunk download. After two retries, it will go after the pars, download and repair. There's a setting for number of retries in options. If you're sitting there watching it and can clearly see it's missing some chunks that could be repaired and you just want it now, the simplest solution is to right click on the parent of the post and select assemble incompletes. That bypasses trying to wait for chunks that might never show up in return for the higher disk/cpu path or par repair, without needing to fuss with separate components of the post. The default state for newsbin is about minimizing par repair if possible at the expense of not necessarily looking like the fastest solution if you're riding the download.
Having said that, I was gabbing with Quade on the irc channel last night about this, and he acknowledged he's aware it's not necessarily the best solution for all scenarios and is planning on revisiting this approach in a future release.