Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.nb2

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Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.nb2

Postby mkanet » Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:43 pm

I am using Newsbin 6.30B4. On very large downloads, I almost always end up with an unecessary UnRxxxx.tmp folder. It contains a copy of all the folder hierarchy (contents of the rar archive); except no files within them. I also end up with either one or two .nb2 files (ie, xxxxxxx.vol223+11.par2_.nb2).

Ultimately I end up with all the files I need; except with the *.nb2 files and *.tmp directory). It appears to me that the very last part of the paring/unraring process is failing to complete. I can't even delete the .nb2 files until I exit Newsbin.

This type of behavior is VERY reproducible for me. It's not unpredictable or different every time. So, for the same nzb, I end up with the same results every time. Also, similar downloads will have the same result as well.

Possible causes:
My HDD has write-back caching enabled to compensate for bursts of data writes such as when unraring. I have an unusually high number of connections set to my server as well (60 connections). This is to ensure I get the full throughput I pay for from my ISP; otherwise, my overall throughput speed starts to take a nosedive in the middle of downloading my NZB. It appears that the very last part of the unraring/paring process isn't completing (where the .tmp folder needs to be removed). If HDD lazy write caching might be causing this problem, is there a way to have Newsbin do a better job at maintaining the correct sequence of unraring/paring files .nb2 files towards the end of the reconstruction process?

On a positive note... ever since I upgraded my Newsbin version, I don't have missing rar files anymore.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:16 pm

Upgrade, see if it still does it.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:30 pm

Thanks. I didn't realize the betas were so aggressively being updated! Thank you. I'll definitely try it.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:13 pm

Well, it's good that you skipped B5. It was sort of crummy.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:36 pm

Has anyone actually tried to use this last beta? I just tried it, it started to extract everything in the root of my downloads folder without any folder name. I don't think I changed any settings to cause it to ignore the folder name. If I accidentally did, what is the setting for that? I couldnt find any setting that removes the folder it's supposed to extract to (in the RAR archive)
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:13 am

Without knowing what you were expecting it's hard to offer advice.

Did you assign an unrar folder before or did you set an unrar folder in the options?

I tested downloading to an alternate unrar folder set in the autopar options but, I don't know if that's what you're expecting or not.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:22 am

I expected it to do what all previous versions did; including other news readers... extract all the contents of a multipart rar. So, if the multipart rar contains "\My_Diary\My_diary.doc".. it will extract it to D:\my-newsbin-download-folder\My_Diary\My_diary.doc.

Curerntly, newsbin ignores the folder inside the rar archive... trying to save it to the root of my download folder (without it's respective folder):


Edit: I can actually see a bunch of rar files pile up in the root of my Downloads folder instead of doing it in the folder it's supposed to create; which is included in the rar archive.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:49 am

They download where they download, if there's an embedded folder in the rar (which is pretty rare) they go to the embedded folder on unrar.

Specific example I tested this with on my test server.

Rar set has two paths in it

\Dufus\Other Files\

I downloaded it 3 ways. Each time it downloaded to X:\Download\

1 - With an override unrar path set to "X\Unrar\"

Files ended up in "X\Unrar\Dufus\Other Files\.....

2 - Without an override unrar path but, with group folder path set.

Files ended up in X:\Download\Dufus\<group>\Other Files\Files...

3 - Without an override path and with group folder mode disabled.

Files ended up in X:\Download\Dufus\Other Files\Files...

PM me a specific subject and group and I'll look at it.

It's normal for all the rars to download to a common folder before unrar DEPENDING on what download path options you have set. It shows you the download path right in the download list.

I'm not saying there's no problem. I'm saying I don't see a problem in my testing. I think you just need to revisit the pathing options though. I think you had some options set to use the filenames as part of the path and now you need to reset them. I also suspect these rars don't have embedded paths at all. It does happen but, maybe 1 in 100 sets, at least in the groups I haunt.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:47 am

Thanks for offering to help. It looks like I had accidentally unchecked the "Add NZB Filename to Download Folder" option. Apparently, if I uncheck that option, I get the symptom I described. I enabled it... now I have it back to normal. Thanks! Now I;'m gioing to actually test it!
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:57 am

Is ""Add NZB Filename to Download Folder" a default option? Im not sure if its normal for a usenet RAR archive to already have a folder in it or for the news reader to create this folder for the user.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:00 am

BTW: The .tmp folder issue is fixed. However, for large archives, I still see one *.vol063+56.par2_.nb2 (or something like that) left. The archive is already extracted and rar/par files removed, however, that file still remains.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby mkanet » Thu Feb 16, 2012 9:00 pm

I spoke too soon. I got another .tmp folder. I'll PM you...
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby lisle » Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:50 pm

System 6.31RC7 in XP64 w/8gb ram.

Maybe a clue...

I have seen (and can produce) "apparent" UnRxxxx.tmp folders and "apparent" unrenamed abc.avi.nb2. But - only in explorer windows that monitor the destination folder before and during assembly.

I say "apparent" because it seems the rename was successfuly performed, but the monitoring explorer window was not triggered to refresh. I have brought up a new explorer windows which shows a correctly renamed file while the old explorer window still showed the UnRxxxx.tmp folder.

Upon doing a manual F5 refresh, the older explorer window then displayed the correct file name.

Good Luck,
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:25 am

Upon doing a manual F5 refresh, the older explorer window then displayed the correct file name.

That's good information but, you realize this has nothing to do with Newsbin right?
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby wiggins09 » Wed May 28, 2014 8:44 am

Using 6.52b3 bd3196 I see occasional UnR*******_tmp folders.
I have over 1TB of free space on the disk & NB doesn't do it on all downloads.
I also see the odd .nb2 file.
It's not all the time & 99% of the time everything seems to be fine - things have repaired &/or extracted, files aren't corrupt. <1% may need manual extraction.
I don't see a specific pattern - size, number of files, age etc seem irrelevant. But a weird 'partial' cleanup completion state occurs sometimes.

It's not a big deal for me but figured you may want to know about it. :wink:
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Wed May 28, 2014 11:50 pm

Newsbin unrars to a temp folder then copies the files over. If a file already exists in the destination folder, the copy might leave some files behind in the temp folder. I suspect that's what you're seeing.

NB2's are going away in 6.60.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby wiggins09 » Thu May 29, 2014 7:26 am

That does make sense. I assume that when I have empty folders they have been emptied by the filter based cleanup.
i.e. [.]xxx etc
Can NB make multiple passes during cleanup to get rid of the folders that are emptied due to the filter cleanup operation?
Not that you need to tell me any trade secrets about the inner workings, just wondering about the possibility of the routine being tweaked to catch these strays.
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby jimerb » Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:50 pm

I"m having this happen to me frequently using 6.62 Build 4358.

I didn't really change anything but several months ago it just started happening.

What can be the cause?
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Re: Always end up with UnRxxxx.tmp folders and one or two *.

Postby Quade » Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:01 pm

I didn't really change anything but several months ago it just started happening.

There was a bunch discussed here. It's not clear which "thing" is happening to you.

I'd upgrade and see if the same thing happens.

If you have problems like this with 6.71, we can work on it.
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