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Errors: "Unable to open Group database Group"

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:21 am
by Traveler2530
Earlier today I updated to 6.30B5 1795, and began a local search for a string. I noticed these errors in the log. These errors may have occurred in previous releases, IDK. Note that I have several thousand groups I search, and these are all the errors of this type that went to the log. I am searching for a movie in ALL files, it appears just some movie related groups caused the error. What's up?

[18:39:19] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.mac.apps
[18:39:30] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.madhouse
[18:39:30] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.magiatus
[18:39:39] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.matrix
[18:39:49] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.migoibinz
[18:39:49] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.misc
[18:39:49] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database
[18:54:08] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database
[18:54:09] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.moovee
[18:54:09] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.most-haunted
[18:54:10] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.mou
[18:54:11] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database
[18:54:11] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database
[18:54:12] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database
[18:56:24] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.movies.arthouse
[18:56:24] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.movies.bones
[18:56:25] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.movies.dcvcd
[18:56:25] ERROR - CNNTPStorageSqlite: Unable to open Group database Group:alt.binaries.movies.divx

Re: Errors: "Unable to open Group database Group"

PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 3:12 am
by Quade
I'd say empty groups. You can look in the folder for these groups and see if there's any data there

Data Folder\Spool_V6\<group name>

From the options you can select "Open Data Folder" to take you right there.

You might want to poke around and see if you have another data folder someplace. You'd get these same symptoms if the configuration file is pointing to the wrong data folder.

What did you upgrade from? 5.XX headers have to be manually imported so, if you're coming from 5, you might need to import.