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Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:25 am
by farmwald
If I download post using "download to folder", and there are pars, part of the download (the parity protected files) gets copied to the UNRAR folder.

There are no RAR files, so it's not clear to me why the parity-protected files are being copied to the UNRAR folder. At least for music files (FLAC and MP3), this is definitely not the desired behavior.

If I specify a folder to download to, I would like it to unconditionally download to that folder & leave the files there.

I suggest a switch "Don't move after checking parity for downloads to a specified folder" or something similar - using PAR and fixing any broken files is fine.

Apologies if this already exists, but I can't find a way to the behavior I want.

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:31 pm
by farmwald
I never got a response to this, so I'll try again.

There currently is a switch 'When using "Download to <folder>" bypass the dup checker".

I suggest adding another switch:

"When using "Download to <folder>" don't move or unrar the files."

If this functionality already exist, please let them know.

Actually I think the current behavior is a bug. If I download to a specified folder, I can't ever see a case where I want some of the files copied to the default UNRAR folder, just because there are parity files and/or are RAR files.

"Download to <folder>" should mean exactly what it says.

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:08 pm
by DThor
Are you overriding the unrar path(Options/AutoPAR Options)? I'm just wondering if that's causing the behaviour. When I download to folder, the pars follow it there and repair correctly iirc. If so, I think disabling the override should fix this.


Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:23 pm
by farmwald
Yes, I'm setting "Overide UnRAR path" and also "Save to Unique Folder named for Source file".

I would strongly prefer to be able to leave the Overide UnRAR checked, the resulting files are much easier to sort thru.

I was hoping that "Download to <folder>" would "override the override".


Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:08 pm
by DThor
Hmm, I suspect if Quade were to implement this it might need to be an option, since I think the primary reason people override the unrar path is to isolate the IO intensity to a specific device.


Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:07 pm
by farmwald
I was hoping to revisit this request from a while back.

With the current Newsbin, if one sets "Override UnRAR path" then the "Download to New older" option becomes nearly useless.

The whole point of download to folder to keep a collection of downloads together and organized. "Override UnRAR path" copies RAR files (i.e. some but not all files) to a different folder and makes a complete mess.

"Download to New folder" & "Download to Existing Folder" should take priority over "Override UnRAR path".

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:28 pm
by Quade
If you're using 6.40 build 2059...

Set the unrar path to:


It should use the last path segment of the download path which, if you use "new folder" should be the new folder you defined.

I probably need to rename that option to "LASTPATH" or something

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:21 pm
by farmwald
Thanks for the reply. I tried it but it didn't do what I hoped.

I'm using Newsbin 6.40 Build 2059

My old unrar path was R:\AVDownloads\$(FILENAME)\
i.e,, copy to a folder named for the filename. This works fine, except when using "Download to x Folder".

So I changed it to

which doesn't work when I use "Download to New Folder"

The files end up in R:\avdownloads\<randondownloadfilename>\ (i.e. same as before), but I used "Download to New Folder" to R:\stuff\myfoldername\ (which ends up with a few odd scraps.)

What am am I doing wrong?

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:04 pm
by Quade
Yeah I get it now. When you "Download to New Folder" you're completely bypassing the $(XXX) substitution system for the download path. It shouldn't be bypassing it for the unrar path but, it might be. I'll have to verify.

Basically it's mutually exclusive. You either download normally and use the download path that contains the substitutions or you override the download path with "Download to New folder". Seems to me you can get the same effect as "Download to New folder" by using the substitutions instead of "download to new folder".

Re: Download to Folder & AutoPar question and suggestion

PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:15 pm
by farmwald
I use the unrar path folder as my default and it's perfect most of the time.

"Download to New Folder" is only used when there's a collection of files which I want to keep together, often a mix of RAR's and other files. Each "Download to New Folder" path is used exactly once - just for that collection. That why I would prefer a solution where "Download to New Folder" always and automatically bypasses the unrar folder, and where all downloading, unPARing ,and all unRARing to done to the one-time-use new folder.
