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Requeueing files for d/load

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:31 am
by Bazza42
I suspect that this may have been asked, and answered, already but I can find nothing
relevant in the topics.

I tend to run fairly large, typically 1000, dowload queues. If NewsBin is allowed to handle them
it it does so quite happily. However there is a small problem, which didn't occut in V5.

If I wish to bring forward a d/load that is towards the bottom of the download queue I do so
by using the 'move item to top' command. However although this moves the item(s) to the top,
in most cases they will sit - inactive - at the top of the queue. The only way to stir them into life is
to move the currently active download to the top of the queue and then move each of the 'inactive'
items in turn , to the top of the queue - at which point they start d/loading. This is somewhat of an
irritant as, say overnight, I want to d/load a group of files so I use the 'move item to the top' command
for the group, they go - as ordered - to the top but the following morning they are still sitting there
awaiting d/load whilst NB is happily still downloading those files which have been 'bypassed'.

However this is a minor bitch: I thoroughly support NB6 as a very considerable improvement over V5.


Re: Requeueing files for d/load

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 5:42 am
by itimpi
A number of people have reported this so it is obviously a real problem. However I personally never experience this and I regularily promote items to the top so there must be some other factor at work.

I think if he had a way to reliably reproduce this then Quade would rapidly fix the issue. However if that does not happen, then with any luck the issue may accidentally get fixed as a side-effect of other fixes and general code improvements (I am an optimist :) )

Re: Requeueing files for d/load

PostPosted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 7:05 am
by Bazza42

I guessed that I wasn't alone with the problem - the difficulty is that the topic can be described in so many different ways....

Most of my d/loads are rar based, rather than individual texts, files, jpgs etc. Come to think of it I can't recall the problem
occuring with anything other than rars.

The problem is that it is irritating rather than a significant problem such as others are reporting in this discussion group so
I do understand that it will probably be difficult to track down and, coupled with an understandably low priority, will probably only
be solved as a by-product of something else.

Thanks again for the response