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Out of the frying pan and into the fire ???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:38 am
by BillyClub
Hello all !..... Within the last week I decided to upgrade to 6.11...I've been using 5.59 for a while...
After doing the upgrade I found I liked it .....BUT.....whenever I did an update for the 16 groups I frequent up popped a box that informed me that the
"instruction at 0xXXXXXXXX referenced memory at 0xXXXXXXXX and the memory could not be written" ...however I found that if I updated them one at a time
there was no problem (not waiting for one to finish before starting another was fine....I most likely had 12 or more going at once). That in itself wasn't much of a problem as I use NBP with NZB's that I get from various sites....As for reading the headers I still use Agent...(Something about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks, that and being hardheaded)... Other then the memory ????? problem everything else worked great.
Fast forward to was slowing down more and more...bad habit of trying things then deleting if they are not needed...anyway used True Image to revert back to a previous date about 2 weks ago...needless to say it was before I upgraded NBP so I had to do it all over again...good and bad followed...
the good I no longer get the box that I stated to earlier...however downloading files that I get from doing an update of a group or files that I get By using a NZB all come up with the RED "download failed" but it does work if I use the next one down "bypass filters" far as I know I have no filters applied only a half dozen or so names in the dirty rotten spammers club... I'm figuring it must be a setting since it worked fine a day or so ago.....I would like to see if I could get it going again as now that I've seen it , I like it,,,,
Thanks for reading.....BC

Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire ???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 8:34 am
by DThor
You've got so many potential problems you've skimmed over there, I'm dubious you have what I would call a healthy windows installation, but regardless odds are the logging tab will tell you pretty clearly why it didn't download. Likely either a duplicate (there's an option to maintain a duplicate database and not retry downloading the same thing unless you override - you can disable this behaviour) or you have something triggering your Global filter. Global is always applied by default. By default, global just contains a couple of pretty basic entries that you probably *shouldn't* be downloading, but you can edit the contents if you wish to deny nothing.


Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire ???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:52 pm
by BillyClub
Hi DThor: Thanks for the quick reply...sorry I gave the impression of so many problems, the only one I see now is the one that all downloads come accross with the red "download failed" which they hadn't done a day previous...Unchecked the "Use duplicate checker" in the advenced tab which seems to have solved the problem for now.
I can now go back to a.b.e-book and get some of the mobi files I was trying to get B4...Mobi files seem to be quite insignificant in the sceam of things that are up on the NG's that I "shouldn't" be downloading but I guess S.Job and Amazon would take a different view.
Thanks for a great I understand there is a newer version almost ready...wonder what the future will bring?
Thanks again...BC

Re: Out of the frying pan and into the fire ???

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:33 pm
by DThor
Well, it seems the issue was the duplicate checker - at some point in the past you've downloaded those things before, it's working as expected and you can either not use the dupe checker or just bypass on a case by case basis. All I really meant my 'shouldn't' files was really, .exe files, which the global probably catches. 'Shouldn't', because they're dangerous.