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v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:44 pm
by pinaar
I didn't change my settings from v6.01 where I would just double-click on an NZB and it would download.
Now, I do that and drag-n-drop and open directly, but I never see anything in the "Download List". The Logging tab doesn't show any new messages and the transmission speed status on the lower left corner stays at 0 Kbps/0 KBps.

I reviewed the options settings and all appears normal. I guess I can click resets on every option I find and hope the defaults solve this problem.

Any suggestions?


Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:55 pm
by Quade
What's it say in the logging tab? I tested RC1 and RC2 with NZB's, compressed and otherwise and saw no issues.

- Drop an NZB, then look in the logging tab.

- Use the "Load NZB" button and try the same thing.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:00 pm
by pinaar
It just said,
[11:56:15] HIGH - High Speed File Creation Mode: Enabled

with RC1 and also with RC2, however, it works now!
My NZB's were sitting on the server,

Thank you for your prompt response. I was still searching for work-arounds when I noticed you had RC2 available and I downloaded it and that fixed my issue.
Thanks again,

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:07 pm
by Quade
with RC1 and also with RC2, however, it works now!
My NZB's were sitting on the server,

Well, RC1 didn't work with UNC paths so, that's probably why it stopped working.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:33 am
by Viperz
Sorry for hijacking this post, it seems to have a similar problem that I'm having with RC1. I usually use binsearch to create my NZB files and open them once downloaded. This used to start Newsbin and load the NZB for download. Now the program starts, but the NZB does not load into the file list. I have to save it to a watched folder which Newsbin finds and loads automatically.
This causes two problems. First it takes a bit more time and is a little annoying, secondly it loads all of the other NZBs that have already been downloaded every time Newsbin starts.
Can you please tell me if there's something I'm missing or did this just get overlooked?

Thanks again for an awesome program, keep up the great work.


Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:13 am
by DThor
Sounds like you have more than one thing going on there. Afaik, loading directly from a browser download, which seems to me what you want to do, should work as long as you associated nzbs with Newsbin when you installed. I have a vague memory of a particular browser having difficulty with that, but seem to recall it was addressed. Please indicate which browser you're using, also, what exactly happens when you download the nzb? It just downloads? Try reinstalling Newsbin and ensure the associate button is enabled. Actually, scratch that, install the latest release, you're not running the latest.

As far as a whack of nzb being loaded every session, I don't follow. What triggers this behaviour? Just starting Newsbin? Check your auto download folder setting and make sure it's set to a proper location (i.e. not the download directory, you have proper permissions, etc.). Also, you may want to quit Newsbin, rename the downloads.db3 file, and restart. May have gotten munged. I'm wondering if you're having permission issues in general?


Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:27 am
by Quade
I'd delete the "Downloads.db3" file. This will wipe the download list. I'd make sure to download the NZB's in ZIP format too. Newsbin can still read it and there have been reports of corrupt NZB's from some search sites when they're not zipped.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:44 am
by orion2323
I'm also having an issue with the latest 6.10 RC3 Release.
My NZB files fail to load and don't really know why...
Here is the error I get in the "logging" window:

[09:38:24] HIGH - Unable to open NZB File to write to: Filename: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\43BLBXND\xxx[1].nzb

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:53 am
by Viperz
Sorry, I should have known better; forgot to post system specs:
I'm working off a recent install of Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit with IE 8.0.7601.17514 - I refuse to upgrade to IE9 again.
Asus P8P67 EVO BIOS 1850 (beta)
Intel i7 2600k - stock speed
4GB PC2133 Corsair Ballistix
Boot drive - OCZ Vertex 2 SSD 60GB
Install drive - Seagate ST35000630AS 500GB
Storgae - Various 500-750GB SATAII drives

With you check the box next to the file you'd like to download, click Create NZB then an IE download box appears. Normally I'd click Open, it would downlaod and Newsbin would start and load the files directly into the Download List. Now all of that happens except loading of the NZB. Newsbin runs, but just sits there until I download the NZB and save it into the autoload folder. After that it loads and downloads with no problem

Downloaded and installed version v6.00, ran the install, reset all options. Then upgraded to 6.10RC3 Build 1298.
The same issue is still occuring.

Permissions were fine, I checked the AppData folder and I have Full Control
I did delete the DB3 file as Quade recommended.
Each time Newsbin starts it looks in the autoload folder for NZBs. There were files that I'd deleted from the download list that were being reloaded each time I started Newsbin. I think it's been fixed with the reinstall, I'll post more if it happens again.

This site doesn't allow for zipped NZBs, but I've never had an issue with this before, has always loaded fine until a recent update (not sure which version this started on)
After reading a post from another user I checked my log just to see and I too am receiveing the following post: "[09:48:25] HIGH - Unable to open NZB File to write to: Filename: C:\Users\Viperz\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\0UB6C3I2\leverage[1].nzb"

Thanks for the prompt reply, hope this helps.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:56 am
by Quade
[09:38:24] HIGH - Unable to open NZB File to write to: Filename: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\43BLBXND\xxx[1].nzb

Seems like a permissions problem. What browser are you using?

Viperz, without quoting, I have no idea what you wrote and what someone else wrote.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:40 am
by orion2323
Quade wrote:
[09:38:24] HIGH - Unable to open NZB File to write to: Filename: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\43BLBXND\xxx[1].nzb

Seems like a permissions problem. What browser are you using?

Viperz, without quoting, I have no idea what you wrote and what someone else wrote.

IE8 (hate 9...)
Everything worked fine with the last stable release 6.0.
Decided to try the new RC build hoping to find some of the "issues" resolved but I actually ended up having a new one Image link not allowed for unregistered users
Forgot to mention that if I save the NZB, and then click on it, the nzb will load just fine.

Quade, can I ask about some of the features some of us miss and would like to have back:

1: Arranging group lists manually
2: Option to load posts without compressing or combining the post under a + sign (Could be express load by default, but with an option to load the "OLD" way for advanced users Image link not allowed for unregistered users
3: Don't know about this, but once I load an NZB, I cannot just send a particular file to the wishlist. If I choose just 1 or a couple of files, the entire set goes with it.
Sometimes I just don't want to get all Par files, just 2 or 3, but I cannot remove single files???
I also cannot change the order for files to download by choosing move up or down, it just doesn't work???

Thanks for your help!

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:15 pm
by Quade
1 - probably

2 - Unlikely but, I'm not saying no.

3 - Newsbin handles the par files automatically. They won't all download unless they're needed for repair. If you have autopar disabled though, it will try to download them all. I'm probably going to add "if autopar disabled, put the pars in the wish list" again.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 4:43 pm
by orion2323
Quade wrote:3 - Newsbin handles the par files automatically. They won't all download unless they're needed for repair. If you have autopar disabled though, it will try to download them all. I'm probably going to add "if autopar disabled, put the pars in the wish list" again.

In version 5 it was very annoying to have all par files go to the wishlist. I then would have to go to the wishlist and send a select few to be downloaded.
In version 6 all pars are downloaded automatically which is even worse since it just adds more time and GB to be downloaded.

All that "I" would like is to be able to select a few to be removed from the download list. Right now, if I try and have 1 or 2 files removed, the entire collection goes along.

....I know it's hard to please everyone Image link not allowed for unregistered users

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:11 pm
by Quade
Do you have autopar disabled or not? It's not clear if it's simply broken for you, like you have a bad autopar2.db3 or if it's working like it's supposed to. If autopar is disabled, it'll download them all. If it's not, it won't download them all unless something is broken with your install.

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:36 pm
by orion2323
I have autopar disabled, and I understand that this makes newsbin download all pars. What I don't understand is why I cannot manually remove 1 or 2 files from the download list?

Re: v6.10RC1 Build 1267 does not load NZB's

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:01 pm
by Quade
Why don't you just pause the PARS? They won't download and if you need them you can just unpause them?

There's no code to remove them. There could be but there isn't now.