b7 sort post list by size indicator out of sync

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

b7 sort post list by size indicator out of sync

Postby MilesAhead » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:46 pm

Just a minor kink I thought I'd let you know. I have the Groups List floating on the right hand side. I have settings to sort posts by size largest at top. Sometimes if I double click a group to display the posts, the triangle will not be in sync with the sort. IOW, if it's sorted largest at top, the triangle may point up. In this case what usually happens is I click on Size and the triangle toggles to point down. From then on it works as expected. Or sometimes it acts as if the mouse click is just dropped. After one click or more it seems to get back in sync. But each group opened by double click I have to go through the same ritual.

Also Control-l to display the posts list does nothing.
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