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Create NZB comment
Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:22 pm
by cybersco
I am curious if anyone else is seeing that the "right as NZB" function is kinda slow in version 6? Not really a problem, as I'm sure that it isn't a widely used function, but I do use this quite a bit. I am having very few other problems with seems pretty stable to me. I realize that it could be the fact that my system has a slow write time to disk, etc, but would like to hear what anyone else's experience has been in this regard.
Thanks to Quade & Dex for a nice job on the new version!
Re: Create NZB comment
Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:29 pm
by Quade
Where are you generating the NZB's from? Search list, download list or a post list?
In my experiments, it's far faster than 5.59. My machine is very fast so, maybe double or triple the time but, I generated a 40 meg NZB which contains 180 GB's worth of files in about 4 seconds from a post list.
Re: Create NZB comment
Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:44 pm
by cybersco
It is from a search list.....just seems much slower to me than I noticed previously. Could just be my PC setup, eh?
One file was 684 kb when written to took a minute or more to write....just seemed odd.
Re: Create NZB comment
Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:09 pm
by Quade
Well, if it's internet search then it has to download the needed information off the internet. If you're downloading files at the same time, there's probably not much bandwidth left.
Re: Create NZB comment
Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:24 pm
by cybersco
OK, makes sense....thanks.