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One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:10 am
by daguenet
I have a download that has 243 files the strange thing is it got to part 124 in one compacted list and then seems to have started another list at part 122. The overlap ( parts 122 through 124 ) are listed as the second half ( more or less ) of each being unavailable in the first compacted list but are listed as downloaded in the second list, but with their first halves listed as unavailable. None of the overlapped files have been completely downloaded, but they have the downloaded icon next to them. The look to be completely download in the directory, the .nb2 files are the same size as the other rar files for the download.

This down load has been going on for over 3 days now as the parts get on the news server a few every hour, if this matters.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:18 am
by daguenet
The 3 .nb2 files for parts 122 through 124 where the complete. I stopped newsbin, copied the three files and renamed the copies to their correct rar file names and ran quick par. Quick par reported the files as complete, where as the whole thing is still not complete.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:23 am
by daguenet
Once I restarted newsbin, it put all the parts into one compacted list again, but it still reports the 3 over lapping parts with their last halves missing. And downloaded the first halves again.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:52 am
by daguenet
After the restart all the parts were in one compacted list, but after doing a couple of sorts they back to the two compacted lists.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:34 am
by Quade
Downloads that are split over multiple days won't get compacted together. Newsbin assumes a fairly tight time spam for files to be in the same set. Doesn't prevent autopar from working or anything though.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:56 am
by daguenet
Quade wrote:Downloads that are split over multiple days won't get compacted together. Newsbin assumes a fairly tight time spam for files to be in the same set. Doesn't prevent autopar from working or anything though.

That is what I kind of figured, but what about the files that get caught in that overlap and don't get down loaded properly? Is there anyway to set the time span?

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:41 pm
by Quade
Did you manually assemble them? If so, then that's why they're bad. Re-add from the post list and they should get filled in and continue downloading.

Re: One multipart download split between to compacted lists

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:12 pm
by daguenet
Quade wrote:Did you manually assemble them? If so, then that's why they're bad. Re-add from the post list and they should get filled in and continue downloading.

I copied the overlapped one to another location renamed them, by making the names match those of the other rar files. The original .nb2 files were still there and are listed in both compacted lists. One with the second part in black on the progress bar and in the second list with the first part black in the progress bar. In both list the the downloaded icon is next to the subject, but the files never got renamed from .nb2 files. I tried moving the copies I manually renamed away and restarting newsbin and the files still remain as .nb2 files. I don't see how autopar or autorar will work with the files still listed as .nb2 files. I have another one that will probably take just as long if not longer so I can let it go without doing anything manually and see how it handles this.
