newsbin shutdown for V6 ? + incomplete
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:35 pm
-> newsbin shutdown unable to locate newsbin bandwich .
can you fix it ?
or integrate to newsbin ??
same ,i didn't see any option
to assemble imcomplete after many try i chose :
sometime i download archive and 1 archive is incomplete
NB try non stop to download it and newsbin shut dont never shutdown computer
because he try to dl and we get 0 / 1kbs dl ...
-> newsbin shutdown unable to locate newsbin bandwich .
can you fix it ?
or integrate to newsbin ??
same ,i didn't see any option
to assemble imcomplete after many try i chose :
sometime i download archive and 1 archive is incomplete
NB try non stop to download it and newsbin shut dont never shutdown computer
because he try to dl and we get 0 / 1kbs dl ...