NZB Black Hole RAR files going to Loaded directory?

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NZB Black Hole RAR files going to Loaded directory?

Postby zarlor » Thu Feb 02, 2017 12:43 am

I've run into an oddity that I didn't have recently. I'm not positive if this is a strictly 6.73RC2 issue or not, however. I have SickRage set up currently with the Black Hole configuration (for some reason the SabNZBD method, when checking with "Test" seems unable to connect to Newsbin on port 8000, but CouchPotato, which I do have set up that way, tests and works just fine.) I currently have things configured so that the nzb files go to and are read from F:\Downloads\NZBs. When and nzb is dropped into there Newsbin picks it up perfectly, as it always has, and loads it up while copying the nzb file into F:\Downloads\NZBs\Loaded. So far so good. However, I have my download folder set to the same place (F:\Downloads\NZBs) which had been working fine but now once a rar file gets placed into that directory during the download it also gets moved into the F:\Downloads\NZBs\Loaded directory, which wasn't happening before. I'm guessing my fix here is really to just change my download directory and where the other programs do their search for completed files but I thought I would check first and see if there was some change in behavior with Nwesbin that I might be missing or some setting I glossed over.

Thanks for any insights!

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Re: NZB Black Hole RAR files going to Loaded directory?

Postby zarlor » Wed Feb 08, 2017 10:32 pm

I changed my configuration up a little abut I'm still seeing some strange behavior. On the Setup section of Options -> Settings I have my Main Download folder set to: F:\Downloads\$(GROUP)\, Downlaod folder for downloads from NZBs set to F:\Downloads\staging\ and UnRAR Folder set to F:\Downloads\staging\$(NZBFILE)\. On the NZB Options I have Properties for a single setting with an NZB Watch Folder of F:\Downloads\NZBs\, Download Folder as F:\Downloads\staging\ and Unrar Folder as F:\Downloads\staging\$(NZBFILE)\.

Putting an NZB into F:\Downloads\NZBs\ works great with Newsbin picking it up and downloading the file. I see the pars and rars being downloaded into F:\Downloads\staging\ and usually the get UnRARed on completion to an appropriately named F:\Downloads\staging\$(NZBFILE)\ folder. SickRage will then pick up the file on its schedule and delete the appropriate F:\Downloads\staging\$(NZBFILE)\ directory after moving the file. Sometimes, however, I'll see some, but not all, of the downloaded rar files in the staging directory and a subdirectory, as if the unrar process had started happening, bu the subfolder will be empty and not all of the rar files will be in the staging directory even though Newsbin shows that it downloaded them. Other times the staging directory itself will be completely deleted but I can't fathom why. Is there some part of the process or setting I should be doing differently?

I'm certainly willing to concede that maybe SickRage is cleaning up something it shouldn't (or trying to move a file that's open and delete despite failing but Newsbin is deleting rars for a file it thought it extracted?) but I don't see any other settings in SickRage I can set to make sure there are no issues. I'll keep looking, but since another person here also recently mentioned some NZB file/folder issues I thought I would just add these extra details into the mix of some of the issues I'm currently seeing and see if maybe some other folks here have some more thoughts on what might be happening.
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Re: NZB Black Hole RAR files going to Loaded directory?

Postby zarlor » Sat Feb 11, 2017 11:34 am

In case anyone else has an issue I think there may have been a change in the way newsbin handles these directories? After changing things around to a Watch folder of F:\Downloads\NZBs\, an Download folder of F:\Downloads\staging\ and an Unrar folder of F:\Downloads\NZBs\$(NZBFILE)\ (and adjusting SickRage to check F:\Downloads\NZBs\) I think I have things mostly working consistently. The main thing I noticed like this is that ONLY Newsbin is doing anything with F:\Downloads\staging\ and now that directory is the only one that seems to be getting deleted. So presumably on cleanup of rar & par files after extraction it's deleting the folder it was storing those files in as well. At least that's the best I can figure so far, and I'm fairly certain that wasn't the case before. I'll let folks know (in case anyone else ends up searching here) if I run into any other issues with this configuration but currently I think the main thing is to ensure your Download folder is completely separate from your Watch and Unrar folders. I also might request it would be nice if the Download folder itself wasn't deleted on rar/par cleanup.
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