I reduced my number of connections from 50 to 20 & it seems to have improved the performance, so I may have been simply over-taxing my system.
I'm currently still getting the backed up downloaded but not written to disc thing, but that's no more than I expected, as I'm downloading directly to an old external USB2.0 drive, which I can't write to anywhere near as fast as I can download, so I just pause it every so often to let NBP catch up. I could also use the speed limiter I guess.
indigital wrote:I've to admit, I'm frequently seeing "Display Update Pending" entries with the leading white exclamation mark on a fully red circle too inside the "Downloading Files" window (in v6.70 B4600). Something that didn't occur in any older versions I used to use.
I'm pulling the downloads from 1 usenetserver with 25 connections. However, if I unfold the entry of the usenet server inside the "Servers" window, every of the sub-entries, the connections, is listed as "Display Update Pending" too.
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