Virus Adware (PriceFountain) in my brand new install?

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Virus Adware (PriceFountain) in my brand new install?

Postby micromatikal » Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:38 pm

Hello everyone, I've been a registered use for some 10 years now.

I just formatted and reinstalled Windows on my machine, put on antivirus and then the next thing I put on was newsbin. I haven't downloaded anything in newsbin yet, just a fresh install, and right away my antivirus pops up with:

"Threat /malware detected: PriceFountain found in uninst64.exe from C:\program files\newsbin"

I tried to post a pic but it wouldn't let me, so here is the URL to it:

What on earth is this?! How can there be adware / a virus in the uninstaller?

Is this intentional, I just can't believe this after 10 years of regular use, suddenly the new version has what my webroot says is the equivalent of a virus?

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Re: Virus Adware (PriceFountain) in my brand new install?

Postby Quade » Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:48 pm

What on earth is this?! How can there be adware / a virus in the uninstaller?

Is this intentional, I just can't believe this after 10 years of regular use, suddenly the new version has what my webroot says is the equivalent of a virus?

What have you run longer, Newsbin or this virus scanner? I'd guess it's Newsbin. Sort of hoping we'd get the benefit of the doubt since we've never screwed you over before.

Dex runs all the releases though 20 some odd virus scanners to make sure they're clean before we put them out. As long as you downloaded it from us. I'm skeptical there's any virus there. Most of the time this is caused by virus scanners mis-firing. They see some pattern in the file they don't like and declare it a virus.

I'll ask Dex to chime in since he did the installer.
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Re: Virus Adware (PriceFountain) in my brand new install?

Postby dexter » Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:06 pm

It is a false positive. Someone reported the other day that Webroot was detecting this. Twenty other antivirus programs say it is fine. I have contacted Webroot and asked them to adjust their virus definitions to stop reporting this incorrectly.
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Re: Virus Adware (PriceFountain) in my brand new install?

Postby micromatikal » Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:49 pm

Thanks for the replies guys. That is crazy, it was you two same guys that helped me like 10 years ago when I had a question haha.

I knew there had to be something weird going on here! I definitely trust newsbin and it has never let me down. I just have never had a problem with webroot either, weird!

The sad part is that it forces you to remove that uninstaller file from your system, but I guess the good news is I never plan to uninstall newsbin! Image link not allowed for unregistered users

Hopefully webroot gets their stuff together soon.

Thanks for everything,

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