Auto download - Windows 10

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Auto download - Windows 10

Postby megalomando » Sat Jan 02, 2016 3:22 am


I did the upgrade(?) to windows 10 and either it caused some issue to Newsbin or something unrelated happened to it at the same time.

When I download via a nzb, it now automatically downloads into a file I had to list as default in Options > Settings > Setup. When I used to click on a nzb, It used to display the contents of the selected NZB file in the top window and I could select what I wanted and then right click & select which folder they go to and then start download.

No longer, when I click on the NZB file it immediately downloads into the default folder. I guess it now needs a check off button option to allow it to ask where to put specific files when clicking on a nzb file.

Odd, it never did this till I upgraded to win 10.

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Re: Auto download - Windows 10

Postby Quade » Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:36 am

In the NZB option uncheck "Download Double-Clicked NZB". If should be the top check box.
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