Persisting column width

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

Persisting column width

Postby dferreira042 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 11:48 pm

Sorry if this is a real noob questions...

I have been using Newsbin for a few years without incident. On my latest move to a new computer I have had a problem with the width of the columns in the Post and Download views. I set the width, save the configuration, lock the configuration, etc. Next time I start Newsbin the various views that I have changed show a column width much smaller than what I thought I was saving. I have never had this problem before now - I simply copied the files over from my old machine and everything was good.

So, a specific example: in the Post window I change the Subject column so it takes up most of the view. I also change the Group column so it is as small as it can get (running 6.62.4358). I save the configuration from the File menu, Lock the layout from the Options menu. When I restart, however, the Subject column is back to its original size - but, oddly, the Group column is not.

I have whacked the WORKSPACE.XML file and tried the steps again. No change. I also tried the Reset Display Layout - same result.

So how do I hold on to the column size in each view between sessions?
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Re: Persisting column width

Postby Quade » Tue Dec 29, 2015 4:06 pm

- It saves column positions on exit.

So, the question is whether the save is happening or not. It sounds like not. I'd start it, change the columns on one thing. Say the search tab, then exit and restart. Then see what happens. I might also start it, repeat the column change, delete or rename the "Workspace.xml" while Newsbin is running and see if it can make a new one when you exit. I'm leaning towards a folder permissions problem (meaning Newsbin can't write to workspace) but it might be that you're changing so much in one session, it's not sure what set of columns to change. All the post lists share a common column set.
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