Set server color does not work

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Set server color does not work

Postby boehlahz » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:32 am


I am running v6.60 and I have 3 server setups.
2 Astrawebs - US and EU
1 Block server

I have tried to set the server color on my EU server to black but even though I save this setting it is NOT stored. Next time I go into settings the color reverts to blue.

My US server is set at a pink color and my block server has a green color. They seem to work okay but I dare not try to change their color since I fear it will not be stored.

My EU server had a blue color and I have set this to black so many times now but it just does not want to remember this setting.

I only have 1 server active at this moment - the EU server.

Please help ....
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Re: Set server color does not work

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:45 am

What happens if you try any other color than black?
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Re: Set server color does not work

Postby boehlahz » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:52 am

Ha ha this is crazy I just selected some red color - saved - exited the program - opened the program and that color WAS saved. no problem
I then set the color to black - saved- exited the program - opened the program and that color WAS NOT saved and was reverted to the original blue color. problem

This is weird Image link not allowed for unregistered users

I want the BLACK color but Newsbin does not want to save that color ....
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Re: Set server color does not work

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:25 pm

Newsbin uses black to indicate missing blocks of data. I'd have to dig through the code to see if it's preventing you from setting black but that would make sense from the symptoms. It could simply be that black = 0 and it's thinking that setting it to zero is illegal.

I'd suggest not using black because you won't be able to tell the different between a downloaded chunk of data and a missing chunk of data.
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Re: Set server color does not work

Postby boehlahz » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:41 pm

Well I always thought that missing data was shown using the red color. At least this is what my setup uses and as far as I remember this is the default setting.
I did not change this.
Okay I will use some other color than black then. I should be able to find a color close to it so no worries ...
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Re: Set server color does not work

Postby Quade » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:11 pm

There are two kinds of missing data.

1 - Black is Data missing which tells Newsbin how to download. Any file tagged with an I for incomplete is incomplete because data is missing. This data tells Newsbin how to download a chunk.

2 - Red is Data missing from the news server. Even if Newsbin has all the information about a particular download that it needs, the server might not be able to deliver this data. That's what you see turn red.
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