For some reason I can't download a Group List in beta 14. I'm not sure if it's related to the software or something else as I just had to reinstall and start over with a new system. I have the 64 bit version installed, and I have a search subscription which I can use to find and download files -- but I can't get an up-to-date list of groups. When I try, the attempt appears in the download list -- and is still there if I restart NewsBin but the progress bar never moves. Tried letting it run overnight, and it was the same the next day -- no progress. I tried turning off SSL thinking maybe that would help, but it made no difference.
There are thousands of identical messages in the log:
[23:20:16] ALWAYS CNNTPWorkerResolver: Load: 47 0
The item in the download list is:
Download Groups List: GigaNews - Placeholder | Data Folder\Groups.db3 | Size: 0/0 | Status [blank] | Progress: none