I have a strange issue I will try to describe. It seems something like NB is not flushing cached download status information to the disk database on exit, but that is entirely a presumption on my part.
I will admit up front I'm not an expert on managing downloads, especially unsuccessful ones. But my issue is with successful downloads.
So, I'll have NB going for a while, downloaded a bunch of stuff successfully, stuff is rolling off the download queue nicely, but I need to stop NB for whatever reason to reboot the PC, clean something up not related to NB, or whatever. So I will either pause the entire download process by clicking on the status bar (which leaves partial downloads) or will group-select and pause all the other downloads after the one that is currently running using the download toolbar so that that download can complete successfully.
When the status bar shows a download speed of 0, I close NB. via File/Exit.
That seems really clean to me.
I have the options;
Save Files List On Exit = Checked
Save Failed List On Exit = Unchecked
When I reopen NB and the download list repopulates, some number of previously successfully downloaded files repopulate into the download list. NB, when it tries to download these, does detect them as duplicates. So it is something there is a workaround for. But in my recent experience there are approximately 500 prior files or about a month's worth of files that re populated into the download list. I think this only happens once for a particular set of overlap files; if I let NB try to DL them and detect them as duplicates, I don't think they usually come back on a second restart of NB. But some other set of files does; some number N of files, or D day's worth of files.
I'm running 6.50B11 64-bit on Win7. I'm pretty sure this happened on prior versions, but I just lived with it; only now I've decided I'd like to understand what is going on. If it is a bug, or something I am doing wrong.