Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

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Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

Postby The00Dustin » Wed May 15, 2013 5:04 pm

I am running version 6.42 and recently upgraded from version 6.34. However, I didn't notice this change in behavior at the time of upgrade and don't expect it to be related. When running versions 5.x (up to 5.59) and 6.34, downloaded sets would stay in the downloads when they completed (instead of only being in the files list). I have autopar on, but not autounrar. After manually unraring, I could delete the download set from the download list, automatically deleting all files from that set. I definitely prefer to have the set show in the download list because it makes it easier for me to keep track of things (and delete a set as in the aformentioned example). Recently, downloaded sets started disappearing from the download list (the files are still in the file list). I don't recall changing a setting, and I can't seem to find a setting that would make sense to get the old behavior back. Is there a setting I can change to fix this, or is it a design change?
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Re: Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

Postby Quade » Wed May 15, 2013 5:54 pm

Look at the autopar options again. Look at the option under the "unrar the files" option.
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Re: Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

Postby The00Dustin » Thu May 16, 2013 7:17 am

That option is not checked. I guess I should have posted sooner when I remembered either A) unchecking it, or B) seeing it wasn't checked and being confused, because I'm certain I did one of the two. To be more specific about my configuration on that tab, in case this turns out to be a problem with my config or a bug:

Disable AutoPAR - Not Checked

Send PARS to Wish List - Not Checked

Automatically UnRAR Complete Files - Not Checked

Remove repaired but, not unrared sets in the download list - Not Checked

Delete RARs and PARS on successful UnRAR. - Checked (the files aren't being deleted, which is good since shouldn't be in this scenario)

Pause PARS and only download the ones needed for Repair. - Checked (this works right, and was working right before the problem started, except that before the problem started, the downloads would always go into retrying mode where the retry counter would countdown and then I don't know if any action was taken at the end of the coundown or if the retry counter just counted up, making the next countdown longer. Regardless, I would pause the downloads when I saw this to stop the retry counter)

Aggressive Assembly mode (bypass retries and assemble when you have enough PARs) - Checked (maybe this is a new option, since it wouldn't apply while the pause option is checked, I will try unchecking it. Don't assume a failure to remember to post back means the issue was solved.)

ETA: I actually had one set I wanted to download. Unchecking Aggressive Assembly mode made no change in the behavior. I am checking it again, but I am not sure what other options to change. Delete RARs and PARS on successful UnRAR might be the most logical when thinking about how software might misbehave, so I may try to find another set and test that unchecked. On a side note, I also checked Help just in case. The screenshot on this page: ... AR_Options is nothing like what my screen looks like. Specifically, all of the options I listed are in one box with only "Send PARs..." and "Remove repaired..." indented. There is a second box, but it is just for "Enable Post UnRAR Filter" and a filter drop down. Again, this seems like something I recall noticing before, so perhaps I should have posted sooner so I could have included that in the OP.

ETA2: Unchecking Delete RARs and PARS on successful UnRAR did not make a difference, either. I am out of time for now, but I'd definitely appreciate additional feedback regardless of whether I'm doing something wrong or experiencing a bug.
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Re: Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

Postby Quade » Thu May 16, 2013 9:29 am

It's one of those features that very few people use so, it's subject to "bit-rot". Meaning it's not been tested recently. I'll try it with 6.50 and see what happens.
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Re: Download Sets Disappearing On Completion

Postby The00Dustin » Thu May 16, 2013 9:44 am

Fair enough. Let me know what you find out. Also, remember, it may or may not have broken when I performed the update from 6.34 to 6.42, so if you don't have the problem, something else (like a power failure or software crash) might have caused it. I actually checked the box to remove them, closed the software, opened the software, unchecked the again, and closed the software only to have it crash before it shut down. This may have been due to the fact that it was still working on the database in the background, so I performed the same procedure again without the crash. Another download will tell me whether or not that made any difference, but in the meantime, I'm wondering if there is a procedure I might need to perform manually in order to repair or finish optimizing the database.
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