Initially, with the large groups downloading, it shows "Cache: 95/100", or "Cache:95/100 (1)".
If I highlight the five that show as downloading and pause them, it doesn't change because they don't pause. The statistic in the status line at the bottom of the screen that shows the download speed remains basically unchanged varying from between 5.6 to about 6.2 Mbps, and the number of bytes downloaded for the five that are supposed to be paused keeps incrementing. The status that is displayed for the individual file will remain as "Downloading" as well, and the Cache doesn't change either.
If I remove the five from the download list I start getting error messages like
- Code: Select all
ERROR NNTPSocket - NS Connect (server name) Error talking to server (humongously long nzb name)"
Eventually the download/upload speeds in the status line will drop to zero, but the Cache remains 95/100. Once in a while I will see one, or maybe two of the waiting groups start to download, but usually it just goes idle. I removed them from the download list about 15 minutes ago and right now I see ONE download that is proceeding.
My newsbin version shows as Newsbin Pro 6.42 Build 2146. I have a 20Mbps internet connection and a unlimited usenet provider with 20 connections, but only using 5 of the connections for this newsbin.