Is there any way to tell if a Newsbin search is still in progress or not?
If I search the headers of a small group the search results can pop up right away, if there are matches. If there are no matches, it's hard to tell if it's still searching or not, but I usually assume after a short time that there were no matches if the group was small.
The problem is in larger groups where you search a few hundred million headers. That can take a while even if there are matches. But when the screen is blank, how do I tell if it's still searching, or if the search is finished and there were no matches?
For example, when I run a search in Windows XP, when the search is in progress there is an icon for "stop" visible, and when the search finishes, I can tell because the "stop" icon changes to "search". I'm not asking for Newsbin to to copy windows (although I wouldn't complain if it did in this respect), but is there any way to tell if a Newsbin search is still in progress or not? If so, I need a pointer to find it, and if not, can I make it a feature request to provide some kind of indication when the search is finished, especially if the search results are blank (no matches)?