Under View, Customize, Keyboard, then selecting Posts, I have attempted to add a single-key to assign downloads to a Custom List (Hold).
The problem is that I currently have the one custom list - 'Hold' - and when in the files listing in a group, I select the files for saving to the custom list it does not bring up the Hold list that I have-- I need to select the drop down for a single choice.
Consequently, if I add more custom lists, each assigned a separate hot key (say, 1, 2, 3, 4, for four different hold lists) I am still required to select the desired folder instead of the program knowing that '1' is for 'Hold' and '2' is for 'TV' -- etc...
Minor, I know, but with twenty 'Custom Lists' available, it makes sense to whack the assigned hotkey for the custom list desired and have the program do it's magic.