Big download quetion

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Big download quetion

Postby yester64 » Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:50 pm

The new Newsbin works great but i would like to know if more ram would speed up thing like downloading a huge newsgroup with over millions of headers. Right now i have a Intel E8300 cpu und 4GB ram, but it makes me think that either my ram is too little or the cpu is to old to handle a big load like this.
Am i right?
If i would download a newsgroup like boneless it would take forever to search or filter after downloading all headers. Normal download usually works very good.
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Re: Big download quetion

Postby Quade » Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:35 pm

Best way to handle boneless is to either use "Local Search" in the search tab or load the group up a couple months at a time. With "Load Special" you can load up one month then load up additional months if you want to look back farther in time. Not sure if more RAM would help but, the more powerful the CPU, the quicker it should go.
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