Downloads getting deleted

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Downloads getting deleted

Postby CyberMew » Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:23 pm

I just recently upgraded from b8 to b9, and i got this .nzb file that just wastes my bandwidth. :@ After downloading the files just disappears into nowhere. The files are no longer in the folder nor the recycle bin. Just deleted by itself, but the download/files tab still shows files are being downloaded and just waiting.

If I can post it let me know.
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Re: Downloads getting deleted

Postby Quade » Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:06 pm

Email it to "ts at newsbin dot com". Rar it up if you want. Don't zip it or the email server will reject it.
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Re: Downloads getting deleted

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 19, 2011 1:32 am

Ok, I identified 4 problems with the files mentioned in the NZB

1 - the filenames listed in the NZB and posts are illegal. You can't have ":"'s in a windows filename. Newsbin had to rename them.

2 - The par file has the illegal filenames. Quickpar truncates the filename

3 - Even if you download and save the files before Newsbin tries to unrar them. The RAR files are damaged so, they won't finish unraring even though quickpar says they're good. Newsbin DID try to unrar the files but, the rar lib (and I verified with WinRAR) said that the rar files were corrupt.

4 - Even though the unrar failed, Newsbin still deleted the RAR files. This is something I have to fix.

The other 3 though, not sure. if the rar files had actually worked, Newsbin would have unrared the files and they'd be on your disk. Something about the combination of bad filenames, renamed files and the bad rars combined into #4,
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Re: Downloads getting deleted

Postby CyberMew » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:21 pm

ah i see... no wonder.. i hope you implement a way to notify users of this before they waste bandwidth to download it only to find out in the forums why its not working
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Re: Downloads getting deleted

Postby richy99 » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:21 pm

did the logging tab not give any errors?
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Re: Downloads getting deleted

Postby Quade » Tue Apr 19, 2011 5:23 pm

It's impossible to tell they're bad in a case like this. In fact it was the last or nearly last rar that was bad and you can't tell then until you already unrared the other 5 gigs of rars.

What happened was:

1 - someone had 6 gigs of files and one was damaged.

2 - This person used quickpar to generate par files over the damaged files. This means QUickPar can fix the files but, can only return them to the state they were when they were posted which we now know was bad before he even started.

3- The filename stuff, Newsbin handles correctly

I need to prevent the RAR delete in the future.
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