Any value to over 20 connections to Giganews?

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Any value to over 20 connections to Giganews?

Postby dmcomputerguy » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:49 pm

I currenly have a 20MB Internet connection and I'm running Newsbin with 8 connections set up. The things that I keep reading here say that I should get my maximum connection speed with 6-8 connections and that anything more is of no additional value. I sometimes get 20MB download, which maxes out my Internet connection, but sometimes it is as low as 10-12MB.

GIganews is offering an upgrade that would allow me 50 connections instead of my current 20 plus I would get access to a VPN. Would either of those changes give me the 20MB download speed that I get from my ISP more consistantly?

If I upgrade my Internet connection to 40MB, would the same answers apply or are there things I could do to improve?

I am running Newsbin V5 and will soon be converting to V6 on an extremely fast computer with a huge amount of memory. The OS and programs are on SSD and the data is on a very fast SATA hard drive.
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Re: Any value to over 20 connections to Giganews?

Postby richy99 » Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:55 pm

you should always set it to the lowest you need to max out your connection, there is no hard figure on connections becuse everyones connection is different with regards to latency
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