How to unpar while it is downloading another post

Technical support and discussion of Newsbin Version 6 series.

How to unpar while it is downloading another post

Postby drsuess » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:07 pm

Ok, love the new prog so far but have a couple questions:

1) How do I get the program to unpar a post while it is downloading another. In version 5, if I had two or three postings setup when it finished one, it checked it and unparred it while it was downloading the next post in the list. So far with version 6 it has not done that, I had to go and manually start the unpar option.

2) Is the scratch list gone? Is that what the wish list is now?
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Re: How to unpar while it is downloading another post

Postby KilJaden » Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:18 am

1) Because the first beta doesn't automatically assemble incompletes you have to do it manually which does trigger the autopar process , so when the autoasemble incompletes will be fixed/hooked up NewsBin 6 will behave like 5.x series .

2) The new 6 series has compacted downloads so there is no need for the old "Par List" or "Scratch List " to keep the par2 files , but because it's nice to have a place where to store files you would like to download later you now have the "Wish list" .
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Re: How to unpar while it is downloading another post

Postby drsuess » Mon Feb 07, 2011 3:07 pm

Ok, thx for the reply.
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