>To answer your question: yes, searching
>is possible - but I
>don't know of any software
>that's out there that does
>specifically that. Kinda strange 'cause
>it's real easy to write.
Yeah, easy to write, BUT it would require GOBS of memory to hold all of the headers (you COULD write the headers to disk but performance would suffer!)
NewsBin doesn't try to do this and we still overload our RAM/CPU
with a small sample of the possible groups/servers.
Some NSPs charge for header DLs. Unless the APP were to write all headers to disk, then you would have to reDL every run.
You do know that NewsBin provides all of this info and you COULD write your OWN _DOWNLOAD_ list.
You need the following files:
GROUPS.DIC -      holds references to groups
SERVERS.DIC -    holds references to servers
(The .DIC files save diskspace - NewsBin uses the numeric to replace the group or server name in the spool/nbs file.)
and finally your desired group(s) file(s).
eg) alt.binaries.great.spool
You would need to open and read the group spool file(s.)
Open and read SERVERS.DIC and GROUPS.DIC.
_-_-_-_- Maybe work with a **COPY** of the files -_-_-_-_
Replace the SERVER/GROUP references (with the actual server/group names) in your UI so that the user would know the (server/group)SOURCE of the posts.
Allow user to select which posts to tag for DL.
Write the necessary info to a simple TEXT file using the same format that NewsBin uses. Name the text file SOMETHING and include '.nbs' as the extension. Put this file in the NewsBin install folder (saves navigation.) Then you can load this file from Newsbin and DL the posts. If all is done correctly, you have created your own DOWNLOAD list.
It is possible that you could have NewsBin automatically load this .nbs file when it starts.
I have not figured out how NewsBin tracks the last (SAVED) Download File list and then restores it to the Post List when it restarts.
Quade, a bit of info on this might help.
Maybe someone would write a NewsSearchApp that works with NewsBin.
I think that this app would have the same (or MORE) problem with users loading the spools from more groups than they have memory.
[I know that I have simplified it a bit. With my limited understanding of the format of the spool/nbs/DIC files, I can only mumble in _general_ terms!]
Hey, SMITE, since it appears that you are NOT going to write the
how about this one!